Last game of 2013-2014 – AHC Ladiesssss

On March, 23rd the ladies from AHC had their last match on the competition.

Playing home and inspired by the presence os special supporters in the stands, the team was full of energy.
With a big number of reserves, substitutions were frequent, giving more dynamic to the attacks. But to keep the moves under control, coach Tommie had a constant advice: “Rustig!”
The goals started soon and kept coming till the last minute.
Lotus players had their chances against our defense and didn’t waisted their shots. But it wasn’t enough.
We kept an advantage on goal difference from beginning till the end.
End of the game, end of competition…
But the energy was still on.
No more rustig, it was time to celebrate.



1 reactie

  1. Tommie Pit schreef:

    Dit was echt een goede wedstrijd. And ANA! You are not mentioning the three lob goals u’ve made! 🙂

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